Saturday, August 30, 2014

Move to MEXICO!

This is it!  She flies from the MTC to her assigment in Mexico!  Please send letters often (use an international stamp!) at the mission office:

Sister Audrey Burton
México Ciudad Obregón Mission
Calle Veracruz No. 513, Esquina Yaqui
Colonia Zona Norte
C.P. 85040 Ciudad Obregón, Sonora

Her email this week shows she's pretty excited!  Thank you for your love and support!

Hola, familia! I come to the end of my sixth and final week here at the CCM, and I couldn't be happier. The trials I have faced here are going to help me with other parts of my mission, I know. But I am so grateful to be leaving them behind and hit the ground running, doing what I know I am supposed to do. The campo misional is white and already to harvest, I can feel it. I AM SO EXCITED! 

Yesterday we had infield training all day, so that was a blast. This week has been pretty crazy, packing up, saying goodbyes, almost having an ice cream eating contest with our teacher but then getting shut-down, going to the Provo Temple one last time, able to do some of the temple work for my great-great aunts before going to MEXICO! Life is so good. My family supports me, the Lord has my back, what more could I want. 

Spanish is great. It is such a beautiful language and I love to see how much I've grown since I've come to the MTC. Everyone says, "I didn't learn anything at the CCM", but honestly, I can now speak with Latinos that are here and understand everything they say and be able to say whatever I want. I know it will be different when I get to Mexico, but I am not afraid. I believe the Lord has blessed me with the gift of tongues because I am working hard to get the language. I'll probably laugh thinking about this email next week when I can't understand anyone... But I really do believe I'll do just fine because I have the Lord on my side. 

What else? There is at least 15 personas if not more from my BYU ward in the CCM right now. Talk about cool. Including Cammie and Sarah, my roommates! I didn't know Cam was coming this early, so seeing her was straight awesome. And Elijah Lindstrom, my good friend from BYU, is in my zone. I'll be sad to leave the districts below us in our zone... but not really. Because I am so excited! Ah, my heart is so full! 

I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to serve a mission. Sometimes it doesn't really hit me, you know? Like I AM A MISSIONARY! Hopefully it will hit me in a couple days. I'm excited for the long layovers cause I'll get to preach the gospel in Spanish. BOO YEAH. 

The pictures were so darling. I love them so much and pretty much just cherish them. Tell everyone Hermana "Aud" misses them!!! How's prep for the reception? I'm so excited for Kev and Lis. They are so awesome! Way to get married in the temple! 

I guess that's the real reason that I am so excited to go to Mexico. It's not to get out of the CCM, or anything like that, it's to go help other people change their lives for the better, repent, come unto Christ, be with their families forever and then enter heaven together and return back to our loving Father in Heaven who gave us life, and it's all possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. 

Can I just say something for a sec? REALIZE THE URGENCY OF OUR MESSAGE. I don't know why this didn't hit me before the mission, but it didn't. Maybe you've served a mission, and have forgotten. Maybe you have been a member all your life and feel yourself coasting through. Maybe you are re-activated, or a new convert. Maybe you aren't even a member of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints. Whoever you are, listen up. (Please). 

This message that we have to share, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism under proper priesthood authority, The Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End) is the ONLY WAY people can get into heaven. Maybe that isn't comfortable for some, but it's true. And it's not cause Joseph Smith made that up when he wrote the Book of Mormon, because he didn't. GOD wrote the Book of Mormon through ancient prophets, just like the Bible. God the Father HAS DECREED that the only way back to Him is through His Restored Church. Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son. Through Him, Jesus's church, the same He had in his mortal life here on the earth, has been restored. There is no gray, it's black and white. Either this Church is true and we are offering you the only way back to Heaven, or it's false and we'll all be condemned. True Story. True Church. 'Cause it's HIS Church.  SO SHARE IT WITH YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR NEIGHBORS. Do it out of love, because if you truly want them to be happy, if you truly want to please God be bringing His children back, you'll stop being selfish and lazy and start sharing our glad tidings of great joy with other people, because they need to hear it. And I'm pretty sure you can do it in English so BAM, one step easier than it could be. 

I'll get off my soapbox now, but there you have it. That's my testimony, and I KNOW it's true, and that is why I'm sacrificing 18 months of my life to go share it with the people of Ciudad Obregon, Mexico. I'm pumped. 

It's been kinda weird seeing all the college kids move in, start hearing the BYU bell tower again, and all that Jazz. I'm glad I'm leaving in a couple days cause it kinda makes me want to go back to college. But then I think a little harder and I'm like, Naaahhh. Haha. 

Oh P.S. this week I....
cut my hair (it's so healthy!)
burnt my face (the pain went away after I prayed...milagro!)
packed all by myself to move to Mexico (wait, what...)

I love you forever and eva, 

Hermana Burton 

1. Hannah Sharp and Ashley Poleman from BYU!
2. Who is the normal companion? Oh, wait, not me!
3. How she really feels about me... hahaha kidding
4. My Burn :) 

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