Well the same verse changed my life a couple days ago. We have had a really interesting couple of weeks. En total, the landlord says that we can´t live in the house anymore and we have to look for a new one. So we are going to look this week. The same night that the landlady said we were going to have to move, I came out and started to cry a little bit for all the stress that had piled up upon me. We told P what was going on, and he was trying to help and told us a lot of stuff and then I told him how I had been feeling the last couple weeks and he told me that I needed to forget myself and go to work and study specific pages of PME and be a more responsible missionary... and he was trying to help me but I think it just wasn't a good time because I love that man but I was really sensitive at this point in my life so I started crying a little bit more (I have turned into a crybaby on the mission) And then Hna Z (the champ) was like what to you want to do? And I said what else do we do? Let's keep working. It was pretty late at night, like eight o'clock, but I knew we had room for at least one more lesson. So we decided to go with one of the investigators with have, and she had a baptismal date, so we were pumped. With heavy hearts but determination, we walked to her house, and we heard an unusual amount of noise in her house so my comp told me maybe we should call her. So we did and she answers us, but she is SO DRUNK it's ridiculous. And the last lesson we just had with her was Word of Wisdom. So we were super sad. And I invited her to church and she is like, no. You know what? I don´t have time for this kind of stuff anymore. And I wanted to bear my testimony so bad but I felt the tears just coming and I said, okay hermana. Thanks. And then hung up. And then my comp is like, I am hungry. Let´s go to the market and buy something, and so we walked into the market and both of us started to cry and cry there in the Santa Fe. After a little bit of crying, I said are you going to buy anything and she shook her head no so we just walk 15 minutes home crying in el camino, and I was remembering Kiersten Merrill when she said she and her companion used to cry as well, and I know my mission trials are almost nothing compared to other missionaries but when you are in the moment, you are in the moment, and I was really sad. And I got home and I was all sweaty and didn't even stop to take off my bag, I just got to my bed and fell on my knees and cried and cried and my companion too, as we were praying to God with all of our hearts, there was a great CALM. And I stopped crying immediately and Hna Z also. And we just took a deep breath, finished our prayers, and then Hna Z says, do you want to plan? And I was like, let´s go. And we planned for the next day. Cause that's what we got to do sometimes. Is just keep going. Just keep trying. Trust in God and give it all to Him. Because He knows what He´s doing. The next morning when we woke up we talked about what happened, and we had a calm walk to church talking about how God had literally sent a CALM to help us in the night. We read 2nd Nefi 31:20 and we recommitted ourselves to the gospel and to missionary work. Because it´s tough, but it´s worth it.
I love reading the Conference talks, they help me so so much. That say HOLD ON! Don´t lose the faith! I love studying Jesus the Christ and coming to know my Savior more. I know He lives. I know He loves us all perfectly. And I know he EXPECTS us all to live and love and share His Gospel. I have a challenge for you all reading this. Buy a new Book of Mormon. Pray to God and make a pact with him that in the next month, you will give this Book of Mormon to someone. He will send someone in your path. New friend, old acquaintance, random stranger in Nebraska, but HE WILL DO IT! Why? He wants his gospel to be spread. This is eternal life on the line! And His desire is to have every child back with him. Will you do it? Will you have the kids do it too? I know we should.... I know you will. I know you will have exito. And don´t forget to get the reference from the person and give it to the missionaries! Write your testimony in the book! God will guide your words!
And IT¨S REALLY HOT HERE IN OBREGON IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW. But someone told me the other day I was looking skinnier I was like BOO YEAH thank you I sweat at least 2 kilos a day. Haha.
Six more months of pure power (and pruebas but that´s okay too!)
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